H.M. Revenue & Customs
It is essential that all businesses keep Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) satisfied.
At Trade Accountants, we ensure that all business operations are carried out within HMRC guidelines and legislation. This ensures that your company is not breaking any laws and more importantly does not incur any penalties or fines.
Having worked closely with HMRC for many years, we hold vast experience in dealing with all matters efficiently and effectively.

Registering as Self Employed
Notifying HMRC when becoming newly self employed. This is a statutory requirement and must be carried out within six months of commencement. Failure to do so can result in fines being levied. All matters relating to establishing the new self employed status, including the issue of a Unique Tax Reference (UTR), would be dealt with.
This service would be provided free of charge subject to Trade Accountants being fully retained to deal with all related tax and accounting matters.
Partnership Registration
The process is similar to Registering as Self Employed although the status being related to a partnership.
Employer Registration
In conjunction with the payroll services to be provided arrangements would be made for the company to be registered as an employer. This would result in an employer tax reference being issued and the ability to then register for on line services.
Once again this service will be offered free of charge subject to the provision of ongoing payroll services.
CIS Registration
Construction Industry registration with HMRC as an employer of sub-contract labour. Ongoing support with monthly filing of CIS returns and registering of new sub-contractors.
The cost of this service would be in line with the payroll costs and subject to the number of sub-contractors employed by the company.
VAT Registration
Registering the company for Value Added Tax (VAT) subject to exceeding the existing threshold for compulsory registration.
Voluntary registration, where the threshold has not been exceeded, may be considered beneficial in certain cases. We would advise accordingly.
Online Submissions
We would act as agents so as to ensure all required tax returns are submitted on line by the due dates so as to avoid financial penalties. This would include Corporation Tax, Income Tax, PAYE and CIS deductions.